Browsing Tag:Financial Business

Countries around the world are implementing fiscal measures under the threat of the coronavirus.

Countries around the world are implementing emergency fiscal measures to strengthen weakened economies under the threat of the coronavirus (COVID-19). Providing tax breaks to the most affected people and companies, until the emergency subsides, is welcome. Countries should consider tax reduction measures, because the health issue is creating a substantial economic shock. Taxes requiring regular payments will affect the liquidity of businesses and households. Therefore, governments should consider fiscal relief as a way to minimize the economic impact of the…

The importance of establishing your credit in the United States.

Many people who intend to move to the United States or even those who have already taken up residence, be aware, your positive credit history will not travel with you. Because, in general, credit history is not transferred from one country to another. It is important to create new credit in the United States to qualify for loans, financing, credit cards and other business activities that require a good credit score. What is credit? “Credit” is when a party, usually…